Yesterday, I shared about that parents should encourage their children to read from the young and that the younger they start the better they get later on.
Today I would like to share about the technique based on following the Baby reading program.
The book encourages us to start out with single words, before proceeding to two words, and than to full sentences. I would like to share about the first step today for parties interested..
As you all know, I have a set of twins who are both one years old. They have both started to talk at this age and have started shouting out "daddy daddy" and "mama mama".
Before starting out, ensure that both the parent and child are in very good mood. Do not proceed to reading session with your child if either the child or parent are in bad mood. There are some days where you are not in a good mood or your child is not in a good mood. If there are other more pressing things such as feeding the child or changing the child proceed to do so before starting the reading session.
Step One
All you need is 5 pieces if " 6 inches x 22 inches long" white cardboard. Write down a word on each cardboard using 3 inches letters using a bright colour preferably green or red.
Introduce your baby/ toddler / child to five words on the first day. This five words must be special to your child such as her first words, the name of his or her family member. I chose "Daddy, Mummy, Alicia, Alison and Me."
Take your baby to a quiet spot with no or little furnitures. Ensure that there is no distraction such as the tv on or radio on. It only takes ONE MINUTE. Sit in front of your child and hold the white cardboard in front of you. Read out the words to your child loudly and slowly while pointing at the cardboard. Take less than three seconds for each cardboard as your baby will lose interest very easily. Use as much enthusiasm as you can while pronouncing each word and after five words have been read out, give your baby a hug and share an intimate moment with him/her.
Your child will learn to associate reading with fun time with mummy or daddy and as this progress he or she will develop an interest in reading without any prompting.
Take fifteen minute rest and repeat this procedure twice more on the first day.
On the second day introduce your child to a second set of five words which are associated to her body parts or personal belongings such as "eyes, nose, ears, hand and mouth." Write down the words on the cardboard. Start out by reading out the first set of 5 words to your child first. Take fifteen minutes of rest and start out reading the second set of words. Repeat this procedure twice more on the second day.
On the third day, the book suggest introducing your child to another set of five words which are associated with your child's food which are personal to him or her. I chose the words " water, milk, grapes, porridge, mango." Repeat the steps set out above in regards to the first set of words and second set of words. Take fifteen minutes break and read out the third set of words.
Congratulation, you have now introduce your child to fifteen words. Make sure that you do not take more than three seconds to show your child each word as children have a really short attention span. Do not repeat the word out. Just read it once. Make sure to stop before your baby wants to stop. This would make sure she does not lose her enthusiasm for reading.
The expiry rate of each word is five days. Therefore continue using the three sets of words you started out for five days. You now retire 5 words daily and introduce a new set of 5 words.You may want introduce your child to another set of 5 words, this time associated with his or her objects such as 'bed, cupboard, tv, sofa, table'. Ensure that the word used are those associated to objects that he or she sees everyday.
For the next set of words you may wish introduce your child to word associated with animals or actions, such as ' eating, drinking, sleeping, jumping and walking.' Action words are more fun as you can start off the reading session by showing off the action word, for example jumping. You than grab your child and allow her to imitate the action word, in this instance, the word jumping.
Repeat the sequence for the three set of words until all the words have been replaced.
To recap :
You introduce a set of 15 words x 3 times daily.
You take no less than 3 seconds for each words.
You retire five words daily and introduce five words daily.
Stop b4 Baby wants to stop
If you have followed the instruction until now, you would have take the first step to encouraging your baby to read.
Until next time, i will bring you up to date how to intro two words and than string sentences for your child.
Au revoir and take care.
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